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Gally Apartments ViennaBudget accommodation, comfortable vacation rentalsA-1150 Wien; Arnsteingasse 25
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Links : Hotels, lodging, apartments, pensions
Some comments from former Guests : |
Dear Mr Gally,
I just wanted to write and tell you how pleased we were with the apartment that we rented last week. We were very impressed with the high standard and quality of the decor and the furnishings. The beds were very comfortable too. It was lovely. The location was very convenient for public transport and access to the sights of Vienna. I would certainly stay in your apartments again and would recommend you to friends and relatives. Thank you – Christine R. , Bristol - UK |
Cher Monsieur,
De retour dans mon Bureau, je tiens à vous exprimer encore mes Sincères Remerciements pour votre Accueil et vous exprime ma pleine satisfaction pour la qualité de mon séjour dans vos Appartements. – M. B. , COMENA - Algers |
Sehr geehrter Herr Gally,
Nochmals vielen Dank fuer die nette Unterkunft,es war sehr schoen in Wien und auch in Ihrem Appartement. Wir werden unseren Freunden Ihre Appartements weiterempfehlen, wenn sie nach Wien fliegen werden! Mit freundlichen Gruessen, – Ilze und Maris, Ogre - Lettland |
Caro Signor Gally,
sono Valentina. Forse si ricorda di me e del mio ragazzo che abbiamo affittato l'alloggio da lei in marzo di quest' anno. Volevo sapere se poteva affittare lo stesso appartamento per due persone con bagno per i giorni dal ... al ... per i miei genitori che avrebbero piacere di soggiornare a Vienna potendo avere una comoda sistemazione presso di Voi. – Valentina G., Italia |
Anregungen für Ihren Aufenthalt in Wien - Quelques idées pour votre séjour à Vienne.
Some suggestions what to do in Vienna - Idei per il soggiorno a Vienna.
Sugerencias de lo que puede hacer durante su estancia en Viena.
Events - Manifestations ...
Wien & Umgebung - Vienna & environs
All rights reserved - Alle Rechte vorbehalten
Gally Apartments Vienna ; Arnsteingasse 25 ; A-1150 Wien ; Österreich
Tel.: (+43-1) 892 90 73 ; Fax: (+43-1) 893 10 28